Rules-Based Portfolios for Serious Investors
One Clear Picture of You.
We give our clients the tools to manage their lives so that we can help them organize and prioritize their goals.
Investment Philosophy
We cannot predict financial markets, nor do we try to. Instead we focus on identifying trends in the broader U.S. stock market, individual equities, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that track specific sectors, markets and asset classes. We believe that there is no holy grail for investing in markets – that is to say it is impossible avoid the risk of unfavorable investment returns. For that reason, we believe it is important to have a system in place to quickly exit unprofitable positions while letting profitable positions continue their trend.
Rules-Based Investing.

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Investment solutions
We offer financial planning and portfolio management for the following account types: Individual, Joint, Trust, Traditional, ROTH & SEP IRAs.

Strategy design
We customize our investment portfolios based upon our clients’ goals and needs.

Financial integration
About us
Adams Wealth Management is an investment management firm focusing on portfolio management and financial planning.
Connect with us for:
- Goals-based financial planning
- Retirement accumulation strategies
- Income planning strategies
- Estate Planning
- Executing philanthropic or legacy goals
- Quantitative Portfolio Management