Why Adams Wealth Management
About Us
Why you should choose
Adams Wealth Management
At Adams Wealth Management, we work for our clients instead of working for an investment firm. Our obligation is to serve our clients’ best interests first and foremost. Our clients come from all walks of life; individuals, families, and businesses. We know that not every client is the same, which is why we do formal assessments of a client’s current state of financial affairs and take great lengths to formulate strategies based on solid statistical information and past investment performance. Personalized service, for us, means developing a plan together with our clients. We pride ourselves in serving our clients based on a core set of principles built on objectivity, efficiency, and integrity.
Types of Advisory Services
Investment Management Services
Account supervision is guided by the stated objectives of the client (e.g., maximum capital appreciation, growth, income, or growth and income), as well as tax considerations. Clients may impose reasonable restrictions on investing in certain securities, types of securities, or industry sectors. Fees pertaining to this service are outlined in Item 5 of this brochure.
Financial Planning
The client always has the right to decide whether or not to act upon our recommendations. If the client elects to act on any of the recommendations, the client always has the right to effect the transactions through anyone of their choosing.
In general, the financial plan will address any or all of the following areas of concern. The client and advisor will work together to select the specific areas to cover. These areas may include, but are not limited to, the following:
College Savings: Includes projecting the amount that will be needed to achieve college or other post-secondary education funding goals, along with advice on ways for you to save the desired amount. Recommendations as to savings strategies are included, and, if needed, we will review your financial picture as it relates to eligibility for financial aid or the best way to contribute to grandchildren (if appropriate).
Estate Planning: This usually includes an analysis of your exposure to estate taxes and your current estate plan, which may include whether you have a will, powers of attorney, trusts and other related documents. Our advice also typically includes ways for you to minimize or avoid future estate taxes by implementing appropriate estate planning strategies such as the use of applicable trusts.
We always recommend that you consult with a qualified attorney when you initiate, update, or complete estate planning activities. We may provide you with contact information for attorneys who specialize in estate planning when you wish to hire an attorney for such purposes. From time-to-time, we will participate in meetings or phone calls between you and your attorney with your approval or request.
Financial Goals: We will help clients identify financial goals and develop a plan to reach them. We will identify what you plan to accomplish, what resources you will need to make it happen, how much time you will need to reach the goal, and how much you should budget for your goal.
Investment Analysis: This may involve developing an asset allocation strategy to meet clients’ financial goals and risk tolerance, providing information on investment vehicles and strategies, reviewing employee stock options, as well as assisting you in establishing your own investment account at a selected broker/dealer or custodian. The strategies and types of investments we may recommend are further discussed in Item 8 of this brochure.
Retirement Planning: Our retirement planning services typically include projections of your likelihood of achieving your financial goals, typically focusing on financial independence as the primary objective. For situations where projections show less than the desired results, we may make recommendations, including those that may impact the original projections by adjusting certain variables (e.g., working longer, saving more, spending less, taking more risk with investments).
If you are near retirement or already retired, advice may be given on appropriate distribution strategies to minimize the likelihood of running out of money or having to adversely alter spending during your retirement years.
Risk Management: A risk management review includes an analysis of your exposure to major risks that could have a significantly adverse effect on your financial picture, such as premature death, disability, property and casualty losses, or the need for long‐term care planning. Advice may be provided on ways to minimize such risks and about weighing the costs of purchasing insurance versus the benefits of doing so and, likewise, the potential cost of not purchasing insurance (“self‐insuring”).
Comprehensive Financial Planning
Upon desiring a comprehensive plan, a client will be taken through establishing their goals and values around money. They will be required to provide information to help complete the following areas of analysis: net worth, cash flow, insurance, credit scores/reports, employee benefit, retirement planning, insurance, investments, college planning and estate planning. Once the client’s information is reviewed, their plan will be built and analyzed, and then the findings, analysis and potential changes to their current situation will be reviewed with the client. Clients subscribing to this service will receive a written or an electronic report, providing the client with a detailed financial plan designed to achieve his or her stated financial goals and objectives. If a follow up meeting is required, we will meet at the client’s convenience. The plan and the client’s financial situation and goals will be monitored throughout the year and follow-up phone calls and emails will be made to the client to confirm that any agreed upon action steps have been carried out. On an annual basis there will be a full review of this plan to ensure its accuracy and ongoing appropriateness. Any needed updates will be implemented at that time.